November 6, 2010

OPEN: page one

If You would like to read just text, you can find it after the jump.

So today I feel very open, and I decided to write my feelings, so forgive me if this is long. I'm in the mind-frame of improving myself. I've said this time and time again, but I honestly believe I'm ready. Bryan and I have been together over a year, and I've never been more ready to save money for our future. I see us owning our own home, and just making the best of everything. This trip to washington is my own little last minute vacation from the real world. I'm going to keep my mind focused on my job and improve our financial situation I'm not broke by any means, but I have a problem with saving for the future. I'm ready and prepared to take my life in the next direction. I'm going to focus on making each day better. We don't stay at a constant 'good' or 'bad' in life. We either get better each day, or worse each day, and now is the time I continue to get better. I'm over the past, I'm over yesterday, and I'm already preparing for an open minded tomorrow. I'm going to take each day as a lesson, and take notes, so I can learn to make everything better. I think the only way this is possible is to buy a notebook and honestly keep records of each day. That way I can reflect on the day prior and find how I can make the next day better. Life is in my eyes, mainly to have fun, but to also incorporate all factors of the day into a better tomorrow. With that being said, I've never been more excited to learn, to grow, and to welcome myself into the real world. I'll be the first to admit I've always had it good. Not in every aspect, but more so in general. I've always had people to back myself up against, if I should fall. I want to be able to depend on myself, and only myself. It's time to dream. Time to fantasize. Time to tell the world what I need. I need to see the big picture, and that picture becomes more focused each day. I'm ready for the journey, and can't wait to see where this road takes me. It's just the beginning 

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