September 26, 2010

What Nathan Seriously Thinks

So there was a picture going around today of some socialite with a needle going into her arm, and I'd like to think she just has a case of the shakes. I seriously KNOW this girl just needs a friend. Someone to tell her she has support, and not because they will be featured on next weeks issue of Us Weekly. I know for a fact she will not get better until she is ready, but until she is ready, it's a waste of time - FOR THE MEDIA - when the hell is her family going to step in, and stop selling the "story" to the media, and talk to their daughter. Seriously? Have we lost reality on reality itself? You have a beautiful talented daughter in need. Can we stop cashing in, and just - give her a hug? Tell her you'll be there for her? Tell her she can fight anything that comes her way, because YOU raised her better than that? Someone to just simply say "I Love You" -- Not that this is going anywhere, but Miss Love, I'm holding a hand out to you, in hopes I can help. I know you have the strength to get through this. You are better than that. I miss you. You're SO much stronger than you know, and it's ok to cry on my shoulder. I lovers ya! 

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