June 14, 2012

4 step #PushUp #workout to get that upper body in top shape

It's time for some Push Ups guys! I posted the 4 Step Ab Workout for you guys to get fit and look your best this summer, so why stop there? I've been doing lots of research and talking with trainers and I've come up with yet another work out plan for you guys! Again, I'll get into the terms first, then right into the 4 Step Push up Workout

Basic Push Up - Lie on the floor with your hands level with your shoulders, slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your elbows tucked at 45 degrees to your body. Face the floor so your neck is straight with your back. Engage your abs and glutes (butt) to properly support your lower back. As you push up with your arms your body should be a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Exhale as you go up. Lower yourself back down in a controlled fashion. Inhale as you go down.

Atlas Push Up -  Place two solid objects that are 12 inches high, and place them slightly wider than your shoulder width. Assume a normal push up position, but place your hands on the objects. Lower yourself down as you would a normal push up, but allow your chest to dip just below the top of the objects you're using. Push back and continue the exercise. 

Clap Push Up - Assume a normal elevated push up position and lower yourself down keeping your abs and glutes activated and keep your feet planted firmly on the floor. As you push up, use your arms to spring your hands off the floor for a quick "clap" before planting them back on the floor. Lower yourself back down, and repeat. 

Feet Elevated Push Up - Kneel on the floor in front of a steady surface (I find that a chair works best) Place your feet on the elevated surface one leg at a time. Keep your legs and body straight as you raise and lower your body to the ground.

Isometric Push Up - Assume normal elevated push up position, lower yourself down to just above the ground, then hold this position for as long as possible (I do this for about 20 seconds) Push back up, and repeat.

Rotational Push Up - Start in an elevated push up position and lower yourself down as you would a normal push up. As you push back up, rotate your upper body to the right and raise your right arm into the air vertically. Rotate your body back and put your hand back on the floor so that you're in the normal push up position again. Repeat on the left side.

Now that you know what I'll be talking about, here is the 4 step Push Up workout!

Warm Up:
Rotational Push Ups (5 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 120 seconds
Isometric Push Ups (5 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 120 seconds
Atlas Push Ups (5 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 120 seconds

Tone and Strengthen:
Isometric Push Ups (5 reps and 3 sets) Rest in between sets for 30 seconds
Atlas Push Ups (5 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 60 seconds
Rotational Push Ups (5 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 60 seconds
Feet Elevated Push Ups (5 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 120 seconds
Clap Push Ups (5 reps, 1 set) Rest in between sets for 60 seconds

Complete Upper Body:
Isometric Push Ups (10 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 15 seconds
Clap Push Ups (10 reps and 1 set) Rest in between sets for 15 seconds
Atlas Push Ups (10 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 60 seconds
Feet Elevated Push Ups (10 reps and 1 set) Rest in between sets for 60 seconds
Rotational Push Ups (10 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 60 seconds

Time To Be The Drill Sergeant:
Clap Push Ups (10 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 30 seconds
Isometric Push Ups (10 reps and 3 sets) Rest in between sets for 30 seconds
Feet Elevated Push Ups (10 reps and 3 sets) Rest in between sets for 30 seconds
Rotational Push Ups (20 reps and 2 sets) Rest in between sets for 30 seconds

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